Supreme President George G. Horiates announced that AHEPA’s newest project, created in preparation of the AHEPA Centennial, received a special grant from monies raised by the Supreme Lodge. The program was rolled out earlier this year by the Bergen Knights chapter of Tenafly, NJ.
“This allows digitization efforts to begin in earnest. Research has shown positive results. As the program continues to gain momentum, we felt it was appropriate to give these brothers the support needed to continue this centennial project” stated the Supreme President.
Constantine Mikelis, the chair of the project, thanked the Supreme President for the assistance and the faith the Supreme Lodge. “We have identified a subset of microfilm reels at the University of Minnesota IHRC to be digitized. There is a significant cost to that includes TIFF image files with text files on a per-reel basis. Each reel file will need to be split into Magazines, Convention Yearbooks, etc. There is a significant additional cost as we have engaged several firms to assess that work. These monies will assist us in getting this project off the ground”.
A handful of chapters have reached out with regards to providing their history. 26 issues of The Ahepan have been placed in pdf format from 1978-1994. Additional work needs to be performed regarding The Ahepan magazine editions 1927 through 1981, Supreme Convention Yearbooks from 1936 through 1981 and Chapter officer rosters from 1930 through 1976.
As we close in on the 99th Supreme Convention celebrating the Greek Bicentennial, consider donations and providing your chapter histories at