About this online course

EU Legal Information Resources on the Web – Finding What you need in a Couple of Clicks

The official website of the European Union (www.europa.eu) is the biggest digital portal on the net. It is also the point of entry to an immense plethora of digital resources for professionals working with the EU, economic operators who want to pursue business in the EU, citizens and consumers living and working in the EU and academics and scholars researching about the EU. Moreover, a countless number of other websites (either free or commercial) have flourished over the years augmenting even more the information offer ready to be accessed.

This hands-on, practical and interactive online course has as an aim to provide its audience with a chart on the most useful and practical EU information resources, and demonstrate to them which tools to use to quickly obtain official documents, publications, statistics, open data and legal information about the EU, how to intervene in EU consultations and express and voice interests in the making of EU legislation and how to find about funding opportunities provided by the EU and apply to projects and public contracts.

What will you learn?

Thanks to this online course, you will learn how to find quickly and efficiently:

  • policy initiatives, legislative proposals and work programmes;
  • legislation, case law and summaries of legislation;
  • policy papers and press releases;
  • public procurement notices, call for tenders, grants and loans;
  • bibliographical, translation, linguistic and terminological information;
  • contact information, ‘who’s who’ and ‘who’s doing what’ in the EU.

Course methodology

The central element of this online course will be a webinar delivered ‘live’ via ZOOM on 15 June 2021. The webinar will feature a number of content sessions conducted by experts who will offer demonstrations of the most useful websites and databases. All these sessions will be followed by Q&A periods where participants will have the possibility to formulate questions and share professional experiences.

Moreover, the webinar will also feature a final interactive session devoted to the resolution of practical ‘search’ exercises, which will allow participants to develop hands-on expertise by exploring the websites themselves under the experts’ guidance.

The online course will also feature two extra content sessions in the shape of two asynchronous presentations (voiceover ppt.), which participants will be able to access through the course’s online learning platform.

Extensive training and support material (PP presentations, guideline documents, audio visual material, etc.) will be provided to participants via the course’s online platform.

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